The Living Journey

Welcome to The Living Journey – a collection of journal entries and photographs by our own Residents that offers an exclusive glimpse into their adventures at sea. Experience The World through their eyes as they share personal and authentic stories of what it’s like to travel the globe from the comfort of home on this luxurious ship. These posts capture their once-in-a-lifetime experiences not found anywhere else on earth. This blog is continually updated so we invite you to come back and visit often.

At Sea to Vancouver, British Columbia

Posted by Mary P. | October 17, 2017

We spent a day and a half traveling from Port Townsend to Vancouver due to some local environmental duties –…

Hurricane Ridge, Olympic National Park, Washington, USA

Posted by Rich E. | October 3, 2017

Hurricane Ridge in the Olympic National Park, Washington, USA, is named for the often-powerful winds that blow across the Olympic…

Eat Local: Tartine Manufactory, San Francisco, CA, USA

Posted by Rich E. | September 27, 2017

The Tartine Manufactory is the sprawling concept husband-and-wife founder Chad Robertson and Elisabeth Prueitt have wanted to create since opening…

San Francisco, California, USA

Posted by Rich E. | September 20, 2017

An iconic view of the city of San Francisco, CA, USA, behind the Golden Gate Bridge (whose construction began in…

Walking Taipei, Taiwan

Posted by Rich E. | September 12, 2017

The exterior of the Taipei Xiahai City God Temple, one of the “Top 100 Religious Sites of Taiwan”   Capital…

Sun-Moon Lake in Taichung, Taiwan

Posted by Rich E. | September 5, 2017

A view of Sun Moon Lake from above the rear temple hall, dedicated to Confucius Perhaps not quite as well…

Exploring Local Culture in Hualien, Taiwan

Posted by Mary P. | August 23, 2017

Hualien (pronounced Who Lane) is located on the Eastern side of Taiwan and the largest city on this Pacific Coast.…

Eat Local: Sushi in Arita, Kyushu, Japan

Posted by Rich E. | August 15, 2017

  The exterior of the Sushi restaurant in Arita, Kyushu, Japan, where we had an excellent lunch; fortunately we had…

Laser Lights in Hong Kong

Posted by Mary P. | August 8, 2017

We arrived in Hong Kong on April 29, 2017. It’s a National Holiday weekend in Hong Kong so the city…

Melanesia Expedition: Our Welcome to Baluan Island, Papua New Guinea

Posted by Rich E. | August 1, 2017

The Baluan ceremonial canoe paddled out to the ship to welcome us to the island and then came back to…

Melanesia Expedition: Sabulo Island, Solomon Islands

Posted by Marcy P. | July 25, 2017

This was a busy morning, up early for a 7:30 AM dive, which was on a large wall and quite…

Melanesia Expedition: Honaira, Guadalcanal, Solomon Islands

Posted by Rich E. | July 18, 2017

The Central Market in Honiara, Guadalcanal, Solomon Islands, is where the fruits and vegetables sold by around 1,000 vendors (mostly…

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