The Living Journey

Welcome to The Living Journey – a collection of journal entries and photographs by our own Residents that offers an exclusive glimpse into their adventures at sea. Experience The World through their eyes as they share personal and authentic stories of what it’s like to travel the globe from the comfort of home on this luxurious ship. These posts capture their once-in-a-lifetime experiences not found anywhere else on earth. This blog is continually updated so we invite you to come back and visit often.

Melanesia Expedition: Santa Ana, Solomon Islands

Posted by Rich E. | July 11, 2017

The beach landing area for our Zodiacs on the small coral island, Santa Ana, Solomon Islands, where the larger village…

Melanesia Expedition: Tikopia, Solomon Islands

Posted by Rich E. | June 27, 2017

  Sailing northwest from Vanuatu, we next visited Tikopia, a small island in the southeast corner of the Solomon Islands…

Melanesia Expedition: Loh Island

Posted by Marcy P. | June 20, 2017

The small island of Loh is rarely visited by outsiders. On our first morning there was a cultural performance scheduled,…

Melanesia Expedition: Mavea Island, Vanuatu

Posted by Rich E. | June 8, 2017

Mavea Island, Vanuatu, looks like (and is) a tropical paradise Mavea Island is a small island in Vanuatu across a…

Melanesia Expedition: Ambrym Island, Vanuatu

Posted by Rich E. | May 31, 2017

The summit at the center of Ambrym Island, Vanuatu, is the home of the active volcano and its two craters…

Melanesia Expedition: Mount Yasur, Tanna Island

Posted by Expedition Leader | May 24, 2017

On the first day of the Melanesia Expedition we arrived in Waisisi Bay, a beautiful bay at Tanna Island, our…

8 Days Later… New Zealand!

Posted by Marcy P. | May 17, 2017

After departing Bartlett Inlet and our last stop of the Ross Sea Expedition, we spent the next week at sea. Our…

Ross Sea Expedition: Saying Goodbye to Antarctica with Pink Champagne on Ice

Posted by Marcy P. | May 10, 2017

Since we weren’t able to stop at McMurdo Sound, we had some extra time before heading back to New Zealand.…

Ross Sea Expedition: Penguins on Ice

Posted by Marcy P. | May 3, 2017

As we continued through the Bay of Whales in the afternoon, preparations were made for a Zodiac cruise around some…

Ross Sea Expedition: Furthest South

Posted by Expedition Leader | April 19, 2017

During the Ross Sea Expedition, we cruised the length of the Ross Ice Shelf, en route to the Bay of…

Penguins on Franklin Island

Posted by Marcy P. | April 12, 2017

Today was devoted to penguins as we visited an Adelie colony on Franklin Island. This was really our first opportunity to…

Ice Tongues and the Ross Sea Riviera

Posted by Expedition Leader | April 5, 2017

One of the many stunning days during the Ross Sea Expedition was Ice Tongue day. We first cruised the beautiful…

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