Stunning Experiences in the Mediterranean

The World’s 2025 Journey continues in the Mediterranean Sea, a particular favorite amongst Residents, with calls to Cadiz, Almeria, and Palermo, Spain and Cannes, France. Throughout their travels, they will discover Cadiz’s rich history as one of the oldest continuously inhabited cities in Western Europe since its founding in the 11th century B.C., and gaze upon Almeria’s stunning coastlines. Along the French Riviera, Residents will experience the glamour of Cannes, with walks along the Boulevard de la Croisette and breathtaking views from the pine forests of the Îles de Lérins. Palermo will dazzle in equal measure, boasting pristine beaches, beautiful architecture and a deep history before our community embarks on further adventures in Malta and Portugal. From vibrant cuisine to local arts and everything in between, the Mediterranean will provide an abundance of unforgettable experiences.

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Determine whether life aboard The World is the right fit for you. Talk to one of our Residential Advisors today to learn more about this unique lifestyle, details of upcoming Journeys and Expeditions, and ownership opportunities.