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The World visits Canada in Spring 2017

May 2017

The World, Residences at Sea announces visit to
Western Canada and Alaska in summer 2017


The World private residental Ship ( will spend two months this summer exploring western Canada and Alaska. Arriving into British Columbia at the end of June to explore the western ports, including a four-day visit to Vanvouver, The World then embarks on a 30-day exploration of majestic Alaska. Returning to Canada in August, the mega-yacht will visit Prince Rupert, Queen Charlotte Islands, Saltspring and make a second call to Vancouver. The World’s 2017 visit marks the eighth time that The World has called on Canada.

The World continually circumnavigates the globe visiting the most adventurous and enriching destinations. Since the start of 2017, the Ship has undertaken two extensive expeditions to the Ross Sea in Antarctica and Vanuatu, Solomon Islands and Papua New Guinea in Melanesia plus extensive exploration of New Zealand, Japan. During the Ross Sea expedition in January 2017, The World broke the record for the most southerly navigation ever recorded by a vessel and recently certified by Guinness World Records.

The World will head south from western Canada to explore the Sea of Cortez and Central America before transiting the infamous Panama Canal. Winter brings a voyage up and down the U.S. east coast, Bermuda’s pink sand beaches and a spectacular New Year’s celebration in the Magic City – Miami, Florida. Residents will sail approximately 44,000 nautical miles in 2017 all from the comfort of their own homes on this unique and elegant private Ship owned by 142 families from around the globe.

This private community at sea offers the ultimate combination of luxurious and enriching travel with world-class amenities and facilities. These include impeccable culinary mastery in six restaurants, exceptional golf facilities with onboard putting greens, a state-of-the-art golf simulator and resident pro, the only full-size tennis court at sea, swimming pools, a spa, a fitness centre complete with personal trainers, expert destination lecturers, library, cinema, hobby and games rooms, and more.

This strikingly beautiful Ship provides gracious and personalized service for the families that call The World home; all customised to Residents’ preferences in a warm and inviting ambience much like that of a private yacht, well-staffed home or exclusive country club. The average occupancy at one time is 150-200 Residents and Guests, ensuring an intimate atmosphere.


About The World

Launched in 2002, The World® is the largest privately owned, residential yacht on earth with 165 luxury Residences.  A diverse group of Residents from 19 countries own the homes onboard and share interests in world cultures, history and adventure, and exploring fascinating destinations.  They circumnavigate the globe every two to three years following an extraordinary itinerary that they select. In-depth expeditions and one-of-a-kind experiences are complemented by world-class amenities and impeccable service.

To learn more about The World’s unique lifestyle, call +1 (954) 538-8449 or visit

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