Gorgeous Greenland
This was our first view of Greenland and it was GORGEOUS! The sky was so beautiful that I couldn’t decide whether to take a picture of the sky or the mountains!
One of our Expedition Team members has an incredible ability to spot wildlife from really far away. He spotted this handsome fellow who was curled up asleep when The World approached. A lot of people were out on deck watching him and clicking camera shutters nonstop. He woke up, looked at us curiously, stretched, yawned, and then went for a swim. It was a great start for our trip!
Sometimes it’s actually difficult to sit and eat dinner on the Ship. We had just been served a lovely meal. It was hot. And I saw this out the window — had to get up and run so I wouldn’t miss it! Yes, it was totally worth having a cold dinner.
A group of us were standing out on the forward deck as we saw our first glimpses of Greenland. The World bell symbolizes so many good times, great places and great friends. I couldn’t resist a nice picture of it with Greenland as wallpaper!
There was a lot of excitement as the Ship sailed up to the ice field. Everyone wondered if the Captain would actually go into it. No need to wonder – we went right in – with good views of our first glacier and iceberg.
There were eight of us in a Zodiac exploring the icebergs. We were captivated by what was above the water, but even more amazed by what we saw below the water!
One thing about nature is the ability it has to make one feel completely insignificant. These hikers were out “on a leg stretch” as described by the Expedition Team.
We were at a dinner party eating caviar and drinking champagne, on our way from one beautiful place in Greenland to another. The sun was setting and we moved into this ice field that took everyone’s breath away. Life is good on board!
Our Zodiacs took us ashore to explore. We had to stick together in groups in case we came upon a polar bear. The Expedition Team was armed in case we had trouble. We were surprised to find so much green and so many flowering plants.
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