
Sunrise to Sunset in Cambodia

Early in the morning, we left Sihanoukville, Cambodia for a short transfer to Koh Rong Island for a beach day at the Royal Sands Resort.

We declared half the day as a sea day and then went over to the island around 4 p.m. for sunset, happy hour and dinner.


To get to the resort, it was a boat ride, a van ride and a golf cart ride, but we finally did arrive around 5 p.m.  It was worth the time and travel and we both agreed it might have been a mistake not going over earlier.


This was a beautiful resort with very fine white sand beaches and a big cooling breeze.

The champagne, entertainment and beach BBQ was really excellent.


A beautiful sunset and a perfect ending to our 3-month odyssey as we leave for California on Monday.


We spent Saturday at sea. On Sunday afternoon we sailed up the Long Tau and Saigon Rivers to Ho Chi Minh City (formerly Saigon), a huge city of some 10 million people.


Thanks for traveling with us and especially thanks to our family for putting up with our wanderlust and never making us feel guilty.

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