Ross Sea Expedition: Penguins on Ice
As we continued through the Bay of Whales in the afternoon, preparations were made for a Zodiac cruise around some of the icebergs. Around 2:00 the Captain made an announcement that some Emperor Penguins had been spotted on the port side of this Ship. There were about a dozen of the Emperors with one little Adelie, which gave a good perspective on their size.
The Adelie at times looked like it was bossing the others around
Soon, the rubber boats were launched and the poor penguins were surrounded by more cameras than there are at a red carpet event.
A little later we went up to the Bridge to watch the Captain navigate the surrounding ice. The Zodiacs were still out, planting a flag to commemorate our new record and spotting the elusive Ross Seal. We were happy to observe from our warm perch, high above.
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