Citizen Science Aboard The World

Beyond the broad concern about the environment and the operational measures taken aboard the Ship, Residents have taken a role of active participation in the scientific research that informs and guides global awareness and programs to combat the problems facing the environment.

Resident-led initiatives like The World Cloud and Precipitation Project, which began back in 2017 during the Ship’s Ross Sea Expedition, are an integral part of the Journey. Created and managed by Residents in collaboration with Dr. John French of the Australian Antarctic Division, this program provided the unique opportunity for Residents to make citizen-science observations at points around the globe throughout the Journey, including some extremely remote locations. By utilizing research-grade scientific instrumentation as well as citizen-science smartphone applications, Residents contributed valuable data for scientific analysis, including cloud and sky coverings, iceberg and marine wildlife sightings, and identification of rare plants and animals. Analysis of data collected on board The World as part of The World Cloud and Precipitation Project was even utilized in a peer-reviewed scientific journal article entitled “Measurements of Cloud Radiative Effect Across the Southern Ocean” which was published in September 2020.

Ready to learn more?

Determine whether life aboard The World is the right fit for you. Talk to one of our Residential Advisors today, and learn more about what it’s like to live on board, details on upcoming Journeys and Expeditions, and if there are any Residences available.

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