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Mark Dexter – Captain


FORT LAUDERDALE, FL – Capt. Mark Dexter has more than 40 years’ experience in the maritime industry having begun his distinguished career as a Cadet and spending the last 19 years as Master. At The World, the largest privately owned yacht on earth, he is responsible for the daily maritime operation of the Ship including the overall onboard operation of the vessel as well as the safety, comfort and well-being of all Residents, Guests and Crew. He is also involved with planning the Ship’s continuous global itinerary.

Capt. Dexter hails from Portsmouth on England’s south coast and currently resides in Canterbury (near Christchurch), New Zealand with his wife and their two sons. All are keen rugby supporters. Among his many interests are serving as a New Zealand and UK registered cricket umpire, motorcyclist and beekeeper. He holds a private pilot’s license and has a Silver Certification from the British Gliding Association. A graduate of Warsash Maritime Academy in Southampton, Hampshire, England, Capt. Dexter earned a degree in Nautical Sciences as well as his Master’s Certificate of Competency.

Capt. Dexter joined The World in November 2017. Previously he served as Master on both global luxury and discovery-style ships including the Seabourn Encore, Seabourn Odyssey, Seabourn Pride, Swan Hellenic’s Minerva II, Hebridean Spirit, and Hebridean Princess.

The World について
The World® は、165の豪華なレジデンスを有する世界最大の個人分譲居住用ヨットです。 20か国の住人から成る多様なグループが船内のホームを所有し、世界の文化、歴史、冒険に対する関心を共有し、魅力的な目的地を共に探索します。 住人が選んだ特別な旅行計画に従って、2~3年ごとに世界を周航します。 綿密な計画に沿った遠征と他に類のない体験は、世界クラスの快適さと完璧なサービスによって完全なものとなります。 The World のユニークなライフスタイルを詳しく知るには、+1.954.538.8449にお電話くださるか、 www.aboardtheworld.comにアクセスしてください。

メディア窓口 追加情報または The World の画像の請求については、以下にご連絡ください。

Jayne Alexander, +44 (0)20 3709 7809,
Joanna Merredew, +44 (0)20 3709 7809,



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