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Linda Schultes – Senior Director, Sales & Marketing Operations

Senior Director, Sales & Marketing Operations

FORT LAUDERDALE, FL – Linda Schultes is Senior Director, Sales & Marketing Operations for The World, the largest privately owned residential yacht on earth. In this role Mrs. Schultes is responsible for leading the development and execution of the Ship’s strategic marketing objectives as well as administrative responsibility for Guest Services and Sales operations and personnel. She also oversees the Corporate Communications and Public Relations areas. Among her key responsibilities are assessing market potential, identifying leads, targeting new clients and markets, and identifying innovative marketing strategies that generate qualified leads for prospective Residents.

Mrs. Schultes joined The World in 2016 and has over 20 years’ experience in strategic marketing programs to develop brand image and create demand from high-net-worth consumers. As Vice President of Worldwide Marketing for Silversea Cruises she oversaw the strategic planning and implementation of global marketing, brand management and onboard sales initiatives. At Seabourn Cruise Line, she managed the brand marketing strategy, digital marketing, media buying, advertising, brochures, and marketing partnerships. As Director of Marketing for the international luxury jewelry retailer Birks and Mayors Jewelers, Mrs. Schultes led their strategic marketing, brand management, and customer acquisition programs and successfully created lead generation campaigns for over 50 luxury retail stores in the U.S. and Canada.

Mrs. Schultes has a Bachelor of Arts degree in English Literature from State University of New York at Stony Brook.

The World について

The World® は、165の豪華なレジデンスを有する世界最大の個人分譲居住用ヨットです。 20か国の住人から成る多様なグループが船内のホームを所有し、世界の文化、歴史、冒険に対する関心を共有し、魅力的な目的地を共に探索します。 住人が選んだ特別な旅行計画に従って、2~3年ごとに世界を周航します。 綿密な計画に沿った遠征と他に類のない体験は、世界クラスの快適さと完璧なサービスによって完全なものとなります。 The World のユニークなライフスタイルを詳しく知るには、+1.954.538.8449にお電話くださるか、 www.aboardtheworld.comにアクセスしてください。

メディア窓口 追加情報または The World の画像の請求については、以下にご連絡ください。

Jayne Alexander, +44 (0)20 3709 7809,
Joanna Merredew, +44 (0)20 3709 7809,


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